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VBA Interview Questions and Answers
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VBA Interview Questions and Answers

Published On: January 23, 2024

Businesses that handle large amounts of data or do particular operations regularly frequently utilize Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to automate these processes. When interviewing for a position where you will be coding with VBA, it can be helpful to prepare confident answers to some commonly asked questions. This article lists some of the often-asked VBA interview questions and answers to help you come up successfully. Explore our VBA Macros course syllabus and enhance your skills for a data analyst job.

1. Define VBA.

Visual Basic for Applications, or VBA, is a programming language that enables you to automate nearly all of Excel’s tasks.

2. What language type is VBA?

You define an object first in the object-oriented language VBA, and then you specify the action you want to perform. For instance, to choose a range, you must first specify the range and then choose the appropriate selection method.

3. In VBA, what is an object?

The language VBA is object-oriented. For instance, you are referring to an object when you refer to a spreadsheet; only then are the properties and methods usable.

4. What does Excel’s Object Hierarchy mean?

All of the items in Excel are arranged in a hierarchy. In addition, every one of these objects has attributes and functions that you might utilize to carry out tasks.

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5. How can you get the VBA editor screen to open the quickest?

‘Alt + F11’ is the keyboard shortcut that opens the Visual Basic editor window with the quickest and easiest method.

6. What does the term “option explicit” mean to you?

In VBA, the explicit option is used to require that variables be defined before they can be utilized. It assists VBA programmers in avoiding type mistakes and producing error-free code.

7. Which core module types are available in the Visual Basic Editor?

In VBE, there are three distinct modules available:

Class Module: Functions are often written in these default modules.

UserForms: They support the creation of GUI applications.

Class modules: These assist the user in creating new events, methods, objects, and procedures.

8. Is it feasible for the macros to launch automatically when an Excel VBA worksheet opens? If so, how is it going?

Yes, we can have an Excel worksheet open automatically by utilizing the VBA macros. We will use the Workbook_Open() event to run macros to do the same.

The steps to execute the Workbook_Open() event in VBA Excel are as follows:

  1. For the VBA Editor to open, press Alt+F11.
  2. Choose “ThisWorkbook” after opening the Project Explorer.
  3. The pane’s right panel has two drop-down lists that you can see.
  4. Choose ‘Workbook’ from the first drop-down menu and ‘Open’ from the second drop-down menu.
  5. The code provided below will appear in the editor window.

Private Sub Workbok_Open_Example()  

     ‘Your Statements…..  

End Sub  

  1. To have the VBA macros run automatically when an Excel VBA worksheet is opened, write them between the lines above.
  2. Close and save the worksheet.
  3. To test the developed macro, reopen the same worksheet.


Private Sub Workbook_Open_Example()  

    MsgBox “The workbook has Opened automatically.”, vbInformation  

End Sub  

9. What is the number of scope variables in VBA?

The VBA editor has different levels for scope variables. Even though there are three levels at which we might define the variable:

Local Level: In a procedure or function, the local level variables are declared using a DIM statement.

Module Level: On top of a VBA code, the DIM keywords specify the module level scope variables. The unique feature of these variables is their accessibility throughout the entire module.

Global Level: A public keyword at the start of your VBA programming module is used to declare the Global Level variables. Throughout the whole VBA project, they are accessible from any place.

Useful Link
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10. What are the many methods for accelerating a VBA macro?

During the interview phase, this is one of the most popular VBA questions that are asked. The interviewer asks this question in an attempt to learn more about your actual VBA coding experience and code maintenance approach.

There are a few best practices that we should adhere to when writing VBA code. By using the suggested methods, we can expedite the execution of VBA macros.

  • Make use of the ‘Variant’ Data Type to declare your variables instead. It requires more room.
  • Never forget to disable “Screen Updating.”
  • Disable the computations that are done automatically.
  • Never forget to turn off the Events
  • Utilize With Clarification
  • Swap out “” with a vbNullString.
  • When the process is complete, release all of the memory objects.
  • Create a table in the necessary database by writing VBA code.

The VBA macro to make a table in the necessary database is as follows:

Sub Create_MSAcsess_Table()   

    Dim DataBse As Database  

    ‘Open your required Database  

    Set DataBse= OpenDatabase(“C:UsersReema DocumentsAccessDatabase.accdb”)   

    ‘ Create a table with three employee fields.  

    DataBse.Execute “CREATE TABLE MyTable ” _  

        & “(EmpName CHAR, EmpNumber INT, EmpAddress CHAR);”  


End Sub  

Check out the most important advanced Excel skills and update yourself.

To swiftly add records to an MS Access database table, create a VBA macro.

The VBA macro to quickly add records to the MS Access database table is as follows:

Use VBA to add or insert records into the access database table.

Sub Insert_Records_Table()

    Dim DataBse As Database  

    Dim SQLQry As String  

       Set DataBse= OpenDatabase(“C:UsersReema DocumentsAccessDatabase.accdb”)   

    SQLQry = “INSERT INTO MyTable values(‘Reema’,5678,’India’);”  

    DoCmd.RunSQL SQLQry  


End Sub 

To edit an existing record in the database table, write some VBA code.

The VBA macro to amend an existing record in the MS Access database table is as follows:

Updating the MS Access database table’s current records   

Sub Update_Existing_Records_Tble()  

    Dim DataBse As Database  

    Dim sSQL As String  

 Set DataBse= OpenDatabase(“C:UsersReema DocumentsAccessDatabase.accdb”)    

    sSQL = “Update MyTable set EmpAddress=’U.K’ where EmpNumber =5678;”  

    DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL  


End Sub  

To remove records from the MS Access database, write a VBA macro.

The VBA macro to remove records from the MS Access database is as follows:

Remove a record from the table in the MS Access database.  

Sub Delete_Records_DatabaseTable() 

    Dim DataBse As Database  

    Dim sSQL As String  

    Set DataBse= OpenDatabase(“C:UsersReema DocumentsAccessDatabase.accdb”)    

    stQL = “Delete from MyTable where EmpNumber=5678;”  

    DoCmd.RunSQL sSQL  


End Sub  

To export the MS Access Table to Excel, write some VBA code.

Sub Export_Access_Table_Excel()  

    Dim sTble As String  

    Dim sWorkbook As String  

    strWorkbook = “E:/MyTable.xlsx”  

     sTble = “MyTable”  

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheettransfertype:=acExport, spreadsheettype:=acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12, _  

    tablename:=sTble, FileName:=strWorkbook, hasfieldnames:=True  

End Sub  

Create a VBA code in the MS Access database to modify the name of the current table.

The VBA macro code to modify the current table name in the MS Access database is as follows:

Renaming an existing table in an Access database

Sub Change_Existing_Table_Name()        

    Dim stOTble As String  

    Dim stNTble As String  

    stOTble = “MyTable”  

    stNTble = “EmpTable”  

    DoCmd.Rename stNTble, acTable, stOTble  

End Sub  

Join our VBA Macros training in Chennai at Softlogic Systems and gain expertise with comprehensive hands-on exposure.

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