Placement Training with Unlimited Interviews until you get Placed!
India’s most trusted IT Training & Placement Institute
Endless Interviews
100% Placement Assistance
90000+ Impactful Placements
Lifetime Career Support
The SLA way to
Technology Training
Realtime Projects
Placement Training
Interview Skills
Panel Mock
IT Career
Best Placement Training Institute in Chennai
SLA is the one of the best IT Training and Placement Institutes in Chennai which offers dedicated 100% Placement Support for all the courses. SLA is the pioneer Placement Training Company in Chennai. Being the best Software Training Institute in Chennai, SLA offers the following complementary training services right from day 1 along with all Technology Training programs to ensure every individual becomes JOB Ready.
- Aptitude Training (90% of IT Companies have Aptitude as first round of Interview)
- Soft skills Training
- Interview skills
- Communication Training
- Resume Building
- Creating Project Portfolio in GitHub
- Creating LinkedIn Profile
- Codeathon (Industry based Coding practice)

Excellent Placement Services

SLA is credited as No.1 Placement Training Institute in Chennai as it offers Life Long free Placement Support and do not charge a single rupee for Placements. Once our Students complete their course and hands on projects with us, we support them with Unlimited Interviews until they get placed. We are specialized in placing the following categories of students in IT Industry:
- Students with Career break
- Students from Non-IT background
- Students from Non-IT experience
- Students who are first generation graduates / Diploma holders
We are also expert in placing experienced IT professionals who come for skills upgradation, at a better role with a salary hike.
1000+ Hiring Partners
SLA is accredited as the Best Placement Training Centre in Chennai having tie up with more than 1000+ IT MNCs in Tamilnadu, Bangalore and Hyderabad. We are the Hiring Partners of thousands of IT MNCs supporting them in their day to day hiring needs. SLA has a dedicated Placement team who schedules Interviews and get feedback from clients after every Interview thereby helping students to get placed.

No Backdoor Jobs @ SLA

We firmly believe that only skilled resources can survive, sustain and grow in IT Industry. In line with this, SLA, one of its kind Placement Training Institute doesn’t support any back door jobs at any point of time. We intend to create our students skilled through our real time approached Training process.