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Blockchain Security Is Blockchain Really Secure
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Blockchain Security : Is Blockchain Really Secure?

Published On: February 13, 2023

Privacy and Security in Blockchain

The fundamental goal of using a blockchain is to allow people to communicate valuable data in a safe, tamper-proof fashion, even when those people don’t trust one another. As a result of combining complex mathematical formulae and novel software rules to record transactions, blockchain security make it very difficult for malicious actors to tamper with stored information.

However, the security of even the most well-thought-out blockchain systems can go down when the complex mathematics and software regulations meet crafty humans in the real world.


Start with what in theory makes blockchains secure to grasp the concept. One example is Bitcoin. All past Bitcoin transactions are recorded in the blockchain, which may be thought of as a public ledger. In a distributed ledger system, the ledger is held in numerous “nodes,” or computers. When a new transaction is added to the blockchain, the nodes verify that the sender actually has the funds necessary to cover the purchase.

Some of them are in a race to collect complete transactions into groups called “blocks” and add them to an existing string of blocks. Miners are the individuals who own these nodes. New bitcoins are awarded to miners who successfully add blocks to the blockchain security.

The cryptographic fingerprint assigned to each block and the “consensus technique” through which all the computers in the network come to the same understanding of the past make this system potentially unhackable.

Proof-of-work System

The process of creating the fingerprint, known as a hash, is computationally intensive. Because of this, it may be claimed that Bitcoin employs a “proof-of-work” system, as it can be demonstrated that the miner who added the block to the blockchain actually accomplished the necessary computational work to earn the reward. It also acts as a seal, since a new hash would have to be generated in order to make any changes to the block.

The hash and its block can be easily verified, and once that’s done, the nodes can update their local versions of the blockchain to include the new block. That’s the consensus procedure, then.

As a final layer of protection, hashes are included in each block in the blockchain alongside the hash of the prior block. To make a change to the ledger that will take effect in a previous block, a new hash must be calculated for that block and all blocks after it. To top it all off, you need to accomplish this faster than the other nodes can add new blocks to the chain.

Adding new blocks will cause conflicts with current ones, and the other nodes will discard your changes unless you collectively have computers more efficient than the rest of the nodes, which isn’t a certainty. Because of this, the blockchain cannot be altered once it has been created.

Why is blockchain security so high?

By using a process known as “minting,” a new block of data is created and added to the blockchain security, which contains the most recent set of transactions. Regardless of the specific implementation, all block-mining systems share a few characteristics:

  • Each and every one of those blocks has its own special address.
  • A blockchain security is a continuously growing list of linked data blocks, starting with the “genesis block” of the blockchain and progressing in chronological order from there.
  • Data encryption is used to ensure that the right link to the previous block is written in stone and cannot be changed, and this is included in a new batch of data for validating transactions.
  • When a new data block is created, it must be confirmed by a majority vote of validation nodes before a new token may be created to represent the block.

Beyond these fundamental ideas, there are a variety of ways in which different blockchains might carry out the minting function. Proof-of-work is the original protocol, minting new data blocks through mining. To earn the right to release the next data block, a massive network of computers and specialized mining devices work together to solve hard mathematical riddles.

Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC) was the first cryptocurrency, and its underlying blockchain security technology is still in use. While proponents of the method point out that it requires an impractical investment in mining machinery to defeat the security of this system by a brute-force assault, critics say it wastes vast quantities of processing power and electricity.

Proof of stake is another well-liked method of block-mining. Here, the digital tokens already in circulation are used to verify transactions and “bake” them into the blockchain’s data blocks. In this system, data validators must choose whether or not to stake their tokens in the validation process. Tokens used in this manner are non-transferable but do yield incentives in the form of newly generated data blocks. In order to increase your chances of receiving the next minting prize, you need to stake more tokens.

Critics point out that huge token holders can exert a disproportionate amount of control over this form of the blockchain network, despite the fact that this approach reduces environmental impact. If you’re looking to blockchain security technologies and digital currencies as a way to circumvent centralized banking and payment systems, then you should know that proof-of-stake blockchains can’t deliver the same decentralized potential that other blockchain implementations can. Because of its centralization, the system is vulnerable to assault from any direction because of a single point of failure.

How safe is blockchain technology?

Blockchain is not an exception to the rule that security vulnerabilities can exist in any financial system or data platform. It is possible to hack into blockchains. Simply said, breaching them is quite challenging.

There are only two ways that the security of an existing blockchain system can be compromised, and both of them need either a significant amount of computer power (in the case of blockchains that use proof-of-work) or an existing token supply (for proof-of-stake systems).

51% Attack

The term “51% attack” describes the first possible avenue of attack. Since the majority of blockchains use a simple majority to administer their networks, it is possible to inject false data, double-spend money, and carry out other evil deeds if you have control over more than half of the verification nodes. Again, there is safety in numbers, and networks the scale of Bitcoin or Ethereum (CRYPTO: ETH) make it nearly hard to carry out this attack. However, brand-new cryptocurrencies might be too little to be taken advantage of in this way.

Other flaws in the blockchain management system’s code may make it possible to inject false data blocks. As usual, the larger, older networks are largely immune because they have been in operation for a long time and have successfully avoided or thwarted every known bug-exploiting attack type.

Future code upgrades may introduce new problems into the system, but updates are scrutinized by thousands of operators who have a stake in reliable and secure operations, and they are not implemented unless the majority of node operators run the flawed code. Again, newer blockchains face more challenges, but they also have the advantage of being able to learn from mistakes made by assaults on the larger blockchains.

It’s true that digital wallets and cryptocurrency trading exchanges have been breached in the past, but that’s a different problem. Investors should consider each trading and storage platform’s reputation for unwavering security because lax security, human mistake, or restricted cybersecurity resources can result in bitcoin accounts being compromised.

What distinguishes public from private blockchains?

Ledger systems based on blockchain technology can be maintained on a highly restricted private network. They can also operate on the public internet because of the numerous levels of data protection safeguards. The majority of the blockchains and cryptocurrencies you hear about on a daily basis are public, but if you require private blockchain networks, numerous technology companies are eager to build them up.

An open blockchain network is accessible to everyone. Blockchain networks are really decentralized networks since anybody can operate data nodes, carry out validations, store copies of the whole ledger, and perform other functions inside the network.

By restricting access to nodes using passwords, two-factor authentication, and other user management methods, a private blockchain departs from the ideal of decentralized management. In extreme cases, the blockchain security may run fully within the private network architecture of a single business or organization, depending on firewalls and secure data centers to tightly regulate every piece of blockchain data.

This has two sides to it. A public blockchain’s security is based on the concept of safety in numbers, whereas a private network forgoes this concept in favor of central authority. This makes sense if the blockchain in question was created to fulfill a proprietary function that should never be accessible to or controlled by anybody outside of that business. However, a decentralized strategy is more secure in the majority of use cases.

Use Cases for Blockchain security in Safety

Blockchain networks can be utilized with additional repositories of sensitive information where impenetrable data security is a prerequisite, in addition to the well-known examples of blockchain-based cryptocurrencies and other decentralized finance applications.

Blockchain in cybersecurity

Blockchain ledgers may generally safeguard any stream of transactions, measurable data, personal data, or trade secrets. Naturally, the blockchains utilized for each of these data streams would differ greatly.

Using a public blockchain that focuses on financial data, a mobile app may process payments in a manner similar to a standard credit card. Using a smart contract blockchain similar to Ethereum, an IoT device can gather data locally, pre-process it into a smaller bundle of data suitable for detailed insight in a data center someplace, and then deliver the package.

Data security with blockchain

In the future, a blockchain security network might be in charge of managing personal data like Social Security numbers, driver’s licenses, and employment histories. Voters and authorities will decide whether this network should be public or private and whether a private personal data solution should be under government control.

Healthcare security belongs in the same conversation, and even while the data is safely tucked away in the customary layers of security protocols, it is still unclear how comfortable we are making medical information accessible in a digital network with a worldwide reach.

These are only a few applications for blockchain systems in data security and cybersecurity. As businesses and inventors focus their energies on the blockchain industry, more will undoubtedly emerge. The potential of these immutable data ledgers has only just been discovered.

The issue of centralization

“Decentralization” is one aspect of a blockchain system that is purported to provide blockchain security. It is difficult for anyone to amass sufficient processing power to overthrow the network if copies of the blockchain are maintained over a vast and evenly distributed network of nodes since there is no single weak point that can be attacked.

The top four bitcoin mining operations, they discovered, accounted for more than 53% of the system’s average weekly mining capacity. Three Ethereum miners accounted for 61 percent under the same standard.

According to some, more secure consensus procedures may exist that don’t rely on mining. However, this theory hasn’t been thoroughly investigated, and new protocols would probably have their own security issues.

Others see possibilities in blockchains that need permission to join, as opposed to Bitcoin, where anyone may join the network by downloading the software. Such methods are incompatible with the anti-hierarchical spirit of cryptocurrencies but financial and other institutions who want to benefit from a shared cryptographic database find the strategy appealing.

In the end, this makes it difficult to define what “secure” means in the context of blockchains. And safe from what, exactly? Protected from what? The answer is, “That depends on how you look at it,”

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