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Published On: October 21, 2023

Databases are the backbone of modern data management, and choosing the appropriate type can significantly impact an organization’s operations and growth. In this blog, we delve into the ever-lasting debate: RDBMS Vs NoSQL databases, that is Relational Database Management Systems Vs Non SQL.

We’ll delve deeper into the complex details of RDBMS Vs NoSQL  exploring their strengths, weaknesses, and ideal use cases. Whether you’re a skilled database professional or just starting to explore the data landscape, this blog aims to provide you with valuable insights to help you make informed decisions when it comes to your database preferences. Let’s take a journey to explore the world of databases by comparing RDBMS vs NoSQL databases, and learn some valuable information along the way.

Most databases use a structure called “relational,” where information is organized in neat tables and follows a fixed strategy. Over a period, a more versatile and adaptable approach called NoSQL emerged.

NoSQL, regardless of the name, is an approach to manage data just like SQL (pronounced “sequel”). It’s for specific types of data that don’t need a set plan and can be easily amplified. NoSQL helps you store and acquire data in a distinct way compared to the conventional, structured tables of relational databases. It provides increased flexibility, reducing the need to be overly concerned about organizing your information.

Most renowned companies such as Amazon, Facebook, and Google are the brains behind these new and innovative databases, aiming to fix the limitations of the outdated  databases and make storing and finding information faster and simpler.

Relational Database Management System, commonly known as RDBMS, has evolved into one of the most widely adopted methods for organizing data in rows and columns. Relational databases emerged as a result of the inadequacies and flaws of hierarchical and network database models. These databases are developed using relations, which are two-dimensional tables. 

Relational databases encompass predefined system tables for database operations, utilizing a tabular structure to illustrate the data and its interconnections. Users have querying access to the content but are unable to modify it, making it descriptive. This style presents information in a tabular format resembling a spreadsheet, allowing both reading and modification of table data. Relational models continue to be prevalent in the world of databases.

Gain insight into Database Concepts with our Beginner-friendly Guide on Database 

Lets delve into Difference Between NoSQL and RDBMS, by understanding what is RDBMS and NoSQL first.

What is meant by RDBMS?

A Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) is a database management system which was specifically developed for a relational database. RDBMS are sophisticated versions of DBMS or DBMS subsets. 

Relational databases utilize a structured format with tables organized row-wise and column-wise to store data. This configuration enables easy access to certain values within the structured database. RDBMS, standing for Relational Database Management System, signifies the association of data values and entries within each table. These tables can be interconnected within the database systems, enabling users to execute command queries across multiple tables simultaneously through their relational structures.

An RDBMS operates as software that executes diverse queries, allowing for the addition, modification, retrieval, editing, and searching of data values within tables. Additionally, it provides a graphical representation of data entries, presenting them in a spreadsheet-like tabular form for easy viewing and editing. Most RDBMS programs enable users to create, edit, update, insert, and delete data forms.

The majority of well-known DBMS programs belong to the RDBMS category. Examples of popular DBMS applications include Oracle, MYSQL, IBM DB2, and Microsoft’s SQL Server. Some of these applications also support the creation of non-relational database systems.

Structured Query Language (SQL) serves as the standardized language for interacting with relational databases. SQL syntax and queries are employed to perform various operations such as insertion, editing, searching, updating, dropping, and deletion of database records and files.

Learn more about the Differences Between DBMS and RDBMS to gain extensive knowledge.

What is NoSQL?

NoSQL databases can effectively manage a variety of data structures such as document, key-value, columnar, and graph types. They are widely known for being versatile, adaptive, distributed, and highly scalable differing from traditional relational databases. NoSQL databases have potential to work without a fixed schema and provide support for data clustering, replication, and eventual consistency. This stands in contrast to the strict ACID transaction of sql and relational databases, ensuring data accuracy. 

In today’s digital landscape, businesses and organizations face the pressure of rapid innovation demanding scalability and flexibility. NoSQL databases, with their versatile schemas and potential to handle different data types, are an ideal fit for applications dealing with massive data volumes and demanding low latency. Prime examples include online gaming and shopping apps. 

Gain through understanding on NoSQL with our NoSQL Guide for Beginners.


The following table is the comparison of RDBMS Vs NoSQL, which highlights the major Difference between RDBMS and NoSQL,

Basis of Comparison                    RDBMS             NoSQL
Storage Capacity RDBMS applications organize data in a structured tabular format. NoSQL, a non-relational database system, stores data in an unstructured manner.
Number of Users RDBMS facilitates concurrent usage by multiple users. Additionally, it enables simultaneous usage by multiple users.
Distributed Database Supports distributed database  Supports distributed database 
Integrity Constraints  The integrity limitations at the schema level are maintained by the relational database. A certain RDBMS column cannot store data values outside of a particular range. Integrity limitations are supported by NoSQL databases.-
Open-Source  It’s an open-source application. It’s an open-source program.
Distributed database RDBMS supports distributed database. NoSQL also supports distributed database,
Software and Hardware  Advanced software and specialized database hardware, such as Oracle Exadata and similar solutions. Standardized hardware
ACID  Building and following ACID properties in RDBMS is challenging but ensures a consistent and reliable database. It may help ACID  (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) to store data.
Database Structures In a relational database, data is stored using tables, where column names are in the table headers and values are in the rows. NoSQL stores data in organized, semi-organized, and unstructured formats.
Examples  Few popular examples are Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, etc. Popular NoSQL databases are Oracle NoSQL Database, Apache HBase, IBM Domino, and others.


In this blog, NoSQL Vs RDBMS, we have learnt that both are equally flexible and scalable to use. However, NoSQL databases were developed to address the challenges posed by complex and diverse data structures, a departure from the structured tabular format of traditional relational models. 

In the conventional relational approach, data is dispersed across multiple tables, necessitating joins to assemble the required data, which can significantly slow down queries. NoSQL databases emerged to efficiently handle vast volumes of data by embracing a more flexible storage paradigm.

For in-depth training and understanding of these databases, along with Best Oracle SQL Training, consider enrolling at SLA

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