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Jump Statements in Python
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Jump Statements in Python

Published On: December 6, 2023

Jump statements in Python are key for controlling loops. The break statement exits a loop early based on a condition, adding flexibility. Meanwhile, continue skips the rest of a loop’s code for the current iteration, improving control. Using these Jump statements in Python skillfully ensures streamlined and effective code, particularly when you need precise control over loops for specific programming goals.

Break Statement:

In Python, the “break” statement is employed to promptly exit a loop as soon as a specific condition is satisfied. Particularly in the context of nested loops, it can also be utilized to break out of both the inner and outer loops simultaneously.

When the inner loop encounters a break statement, the outer loop keeps iterating; only the inner loop ends. However, if the break instruction is inserted within the outer loop, the program can continue after the loop because both the inner and outside loops will be stopped.






Example of Break Statement using for loop:

# Python program to demonstrate the break statement

# Suppose we have a list of numbers

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

# Using a for loop to iterate through the list

for number in numbers:

    print(“Current number:”, number)

    # We’ll break the loop if the number is greater than 5

    if number > 5:


print(“Out of the for loop”)


Current number: 1

Current number: 2

Current number: 3

Current number: 4

Current number: 5

Current number: 6

Out of the for loop

Continue Statement:

The “continue” statement in Python is a loop control statement that directs the loop to proceed with the next iteration while disregarding the remaining code within the current iteration. In other words, when the “continue” statement is encountered in a loop, it causes the code following the “continue” statement for the current iteration to be skipped, and the subsequent iteration of the loop commences.


while True:


    if x == 10:



Example of Continue Statement using for loop:

# Let’s say we have a list of numbers

numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60]

# Using a for loop to iterate through the list

for number in numbers:

    if number == 40:


    print(“Current number:”, number)

print(“Out of the for loop”)


Current number: 10

Current number: 20

Current number: 30

Current number: 50

Current number: 60

Out of the for loop


In summary, understanding and effectively applying Jump statements in Python is essential for gaining better control over loops. The break statement facilitates a swift exit, adding flexibility, while the continue statement allows for selective skipping, enhancing overall control. Proficiency in these techniques ensures the creation of concise, adaptable, and effective code, crucial for specific programming goals. For Python developers aiming to enhance their skills, incorporating these practices can be learned through dedicated Python training in Chennai, empowering them to write more efficient and targeted code.

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