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Goto statement in Python
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Goto statement in Python

Published On: November 1, 2023

In this blog, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of the ‘Goto Statement in Python’. Explore its capabilities and how it empowers you to manage code execution efficiently, offering better control and organization in your programs.

The “goto” statement, which was first made as an April Fools’ joke in 2004, has had an unexpectedly long effect. What started off as a joke quickly became a necessary feature that programmers all across the world embraced. The “goto” statement is now a basic tool used by programmers all around the world.

One of the most popular programming languages is Python, which has technological features that may make it easier to create better operating systems. From beginners to experienced developers, Python is widely used; nonetheless, there are several features that are sometimes ignored. The native “goto” sentence is one such piece. This tutorial will look into the Python native “goto” command to explore its meaning in more detail.

What is Goto statement?

Basically, a “goto” statement is a segment of code that allows an unrestricted leap from one area of a computer to another, in this case, to a labeled statement that is designated inside the same function. To put it simply, a “goto” statement can be used to tell a program to skip over specific code parts. Picture yourself having such a program.

Programmers dislike the “goto” phrase because of its shortcomings in terms of auditing and tracing a program’s progress, even though it can be useful occasionally. It presents difficulties when it comes to editing program material as well as accurately determining where the “goto” statement should end up, mostly because it makes function jumps quite easy.

Now, let’s examine the syntax of the Go to function in Python.


Goto label;






Goto label;

Taking the syntax mentioned above, you have the flexibility to substitute the label with any text of your choice. Let’s consider using “flow” as an example label, and the modified syntax will appear as follows for simplicity.

Syntax 1

Goto flow;



Syntax 2



Goto flow;

Goto statement iterations

For Python programs, the “comefrom” statement offers the same flexibility and scalability as the “goto” expression. A program can regulate its own idiom flow by leveraging both of these statements, which provide it the ability to shape and direct the way it operates.

The import into the main library is a critical step in using the “comefrom” and “goto” expressions in Python. The following code snippet will help import the “goto” and “comefrom” lines into the main library.

From goto import goto, comefrom, label

Once the “goto” and “comefrom” statements are successfully imported, you may easily add them to the programs at any time. The Goto Statement in Python is mostly used to instruct the interpreter to run the line of code that follows rather than the one that is currently being executed. The precise code segment that matches the line that the interpreter has run is referred to as the “label” in this case. These label tags are basically unique Python identifiers that are purposefully meant to be arbitrary, usually preceded by a dot.

For instance, label .mylabel

What does the term Computed Goto Statement in Python refer to?

Programmers frequently use the “computed goto” statement, which is a popular version. This version of the computed goto statement uses a hashtag to reference a Python index that is used as a starting point in the function. Using an example, let’s analyze this concept.

i = calculateLabelName()

Goto *i


The way the “comefrom” statement functions in Python is basically the opposite of how the “goto” command functions. In terms of interpreter instructions, it can be stated as follows: “jump to this point when label ‘a’ is reached.” Let’s look at an example to better understand the idea behind the Python “comefrom” statement.

#…code a…..

Label .somewhere

#…code b…

comefrom .somehwere

What limitations are associated with the “Goto statement in Python”?

Similar to other coding languages and lines of code, Python has some limitations on the use of “comefrom” and “goto” statements. The following limitations apply to both “goto” and “comefrom” statements:

  • Using both statements at the same time to switch between modules or functions is not possible.
  • The end of a loop or the last sentence cannot be jumped to.
  • Because an exception line cannot be found in the first place, neither “goto” nor “comefrom” may be used to leap into it.

Let’s analyze this with an example.

from goto import goto, label

for x in range(1, 10):

for y in range(1, 20):

for z in range(1, 30):

print x,y,z

if z == 3:

goto .end

label .end

print “Finished”

The example given above shows how to escape a deeply nested loop. Let’s now look at a situation where cleanup is necessary following a failure.

from goto import goto, label

Consider these as actual worker functions.

def settingUp(): print “settingUp”

def doPrimaryTask(): print 0; return True

def doSecondaryTask(): print 1; return True

def doThirdTask(): print 2; return False # It pretends to fail.

def doFourthTask(): print 3; return True

def cleanUp(): print “cleanUp”

This will result in the output: “settingUp, 0, 1, 2, cleanUp,” with the absence of “3” due to the failure of “doThirdTask.”

def bigFunction0():


if not doPrimaryTask():

goto .cleanup

if not doSecondaryTask():

goto .cleanup

if not doThirdTask():

goto .cleanup

if not doFourthTask():

goto .cleanup

label .cleanup



print “bigFunction0 done”

The “goto statement in Python” serves as a valuable tool for auditing and debugging. While it may not be commonly used in everyday programming, employing the “goto” statement when needed can yield impressive and valuable results.


To sum up, the “Goto statement in Python”, though unconventional, offers a unique way to manage program flow, particularly for specific auditing and debugging needs. While not a standard tool, understanding its applications can be valuable for tackling complex programming scenarios.

Python’s flexibility provides programmers with diverse options, including the “goto” statement, to address specific requirements effectively.Unlock the power of Python with our expert-led Python Training in Chennai. Start your Python journey today!

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