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Formula to Convert Decimal to Binary in Python
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Formula to Convert Decimal to Binary in Python

Published On: April 6, 2024

In computing, converting decimal numbers to binary is essential. While we use the base 10 decimal system in daily life, computers operate in binary, using only 0s and 1s. Understanding this conversion is key in programming for two main reasons. Firstly, it allows us to represent and work with data in a format that computers can efficiently process. Secondly, it serves as the groundwork for many operations in computer science, cryptography, and digital electronics. Mastering decimal-to-binary conversion and the formula to convert decimal to binary in Python is foundational in programming and computational understanding.

Decimal and Binary Number Systems

The decimal and binary number systems are fundamental to understanding how numbers are represented and processed in computing.

Decimal Number System

In the decimal system, also known as base-10, numbers are represented using 10 digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Each digit’s position in a number determines its value, with the rightmost digit representing ones, the next representing tens, then hundreds, and so on. This positional notation allows for the representation of large numbers using a relatively small set of symbols. The decimal system is widely used in everyday life due to its simplicity and ease of understanding.

Binary Number System

In contrast, the binary system, or base-2, uses only two digits: 0 and 1. Similar to the decimal system, each digit’s position in a binary number represents a power of 2. For example, in the binary number 1011, the rightmost digit represents 2^0 (1), the next digit to the left represents 2^1 (2), the next represents 2^2 (4), and the leftmost digit represents 2^3 (8). Computers use the binary system internally because electronic circuits can easily distinguish between two states (on/off, or 0/1).

Usage and Representation in Computing:

While humans typically use decimal numbers for everyday tasks, computers primarily use binary numbers for internal processing. When you input a number into a computer, it is converted to binary before any operations are performed. Similarly, the results of computations are often converted back to decimal for human-readable output. Understanding the differences between the decimal and binary systems is crucial for programming, as it dictates how numbers are stored, manipulated, and processed in computer systems.

Converting Decimal to Binary: Algorithm

To convert a decimal number to binary, we follow a straightforward algorithm that involves repeatedly dividing the decimal number by 2 and keeping track of the remainders. Here’s how:

  • Initialize Variables: We start by choosing the decimal number we want to convert and setting up two variables: one to hold the decimal number (decimal) and another to store the binary representation (binary).
  • Divide and Record Remainders: We divide the decimal number by 2 and keep track of the remainder. This process persists until the quotient equals zero. Each remainder we get represents a binary digit (0 or 1), and we record these remainders in reverse order to form the binary representation.
  • Example Conversion: Let’s convert the decimal number 13 to binary. We start with decimal = 13 and an empty binary string. Then, we repeatedly divide 13 by 2, noting the remainders: 1, 0, 1, and 1. Reversing these remainders gives us the binary representation: 1101.
  • Time Complexity: The time complexity of this algorithm is O(log n), where n is the decimal number being converted. This means the number of divisions needed is proportional to the number of bits required to represent the decimal number in binary, which is approximately log₂(n).

Converting Decimal to Binary: Built-in Functions

Python offers built-in functions that simplify the conversion of decimal numbers to binary, providing a convenient and efficient solution.

Overview of Built-in Functions:

  • The bin() function is a straightforward way to convert a decimal number to its binary representation. It produces a string that begins with ‘0b’, denoting a binary number.
  • Another option is the format() function, which allows for more control over the formatting of the binary output. It can be used to specify the number of binary digits (bits) and formatting options.

Performance and Efficiency Comparison:

  • Built-in functions like bin() and format() are optimized for performance and efficiency, making them ideal for most conversion tasks.
  • They eliminate the need for manual calculation or iteration, simplifying the conversion process.
  • Compared to manual conversion algorithms, built-in functions are typically faster and more concise.

Example Code:

# Using the bin() function

decimal_number = 13

binary_representation = bin(decimal_number)

print(f”The binary representation of {decimal_number} is: {binary_representation}”)

# Using the format() function

binary_representation_formatted = format(decimal_number, ‘b’)

print(f”The formatted binary representation of {decimal_number} is: {binary_representation_formatted}”)

In this example, both the bin() and format() functions are used to convert the decimal number 13 to binary. The output for bin() will be “0b1101”, and for format(), it will be “1101”, depending on the formatting options used.

Alternative Methods for Decimal to Binary Conversion

While Python’s built-in functions such as bin() and format() offer convenient ways to convert decimal numbers to binary, alternative methods and techniques exist, each with its own advantages and use cases.

Manual Iteration:

  • This method involves manually iterating through the decimal number and calculating its binary representation.
  • While it may require more lines of code compared to built-in functions, it provides a deeper understanding of binary conversion.


decimal_number = 13

binary_representation = “”

while decimal_number > 0:

 binary_representation = str(decimal_number % 2) + binary_representation

 decimal_number //= 2

print(“Binary representation:”, binary_representation)


  • Recursion can be used to convert decimal to binary in a more concise manner.
  • While elegant, this approach may not be as efficient for very large numbers due to the overhead of function calls.


def decimal_to_binary(decimal_number):

 if decimal_number == 0:

 return “”


 return decimal_to_binary(decimal_number // 2) + str(decimal_number % 2)

decimal_number = 13

binary_representation = decimal_to_binary(decimal_number)

print(“Binary representation:”, binary_representation)

Bitwise Operators

  • Using bitwise operators such as << and &, decimal numbers can be efficiently converted to binary.
  • While more compact, bitwise operations may be less intuitive for beginners.


decimal_number = 13

binary_representation = bin(decimal_number)[2:]

print(“Binary representation:”, binary_representation)

Comparison with Algorithm and Built-in Functions:

  • Alternative methods offer different trade-offs in terms of readability, performance, and ease of implementation compared to the algorithm and built-in functions.
  • While the algorithm and built-in functions are generally more efficient and convenient, alternative methods can be valuable for educational purposes or when specific requirements dictate a custom approach.

Use Cases for Alternative Methods:

  • Educational purposes: Alternative methods can help teach binary conversion concepts and enhance understanding.
  • Custom requirements: When built-in functions do not meet specific needs, custom methods may be preferred.
  • Performance considerations: Alternative methods may offer performance benefits for certain applications, depending on the situation.

Handling Negative Decimal Numbers

In binary representation, negative decimal numbers are commonly represented using a technique called two’s complement. This method allows for the representation of both positive and negative numbers using the same binary format, simplifying arithmetic operations.

Two’s Complement Representation:

  • In two’s complement, the leftmost bit (most significant bit) is used to represent the sign of the number: 0 for positive numbers and 1 for negative numbers.
  • To represent a negative number, we first invert all the bits of its positive counterpart (the absolute value) and then add 1 to the result.

Example Conversion:

Let’s demonstrate the conversion of the decimal number -13 to binary using two’s complement:

  • Positive Counterpart: The positive counterpart of -13 is 13, which in binary is represented as 1101.
  • Invert Bits: Inverting all the bits gives us 0010.
  • Add 1: Adding 1 to the inverted bits results in 0011.
  • Sign Bit: Finally, we set the leftmost bit to 1 to indicate that the number is negative, resulting in 10011.

Example Code:

Here’s how we can implement the conversion of a negative decimal number to binary using two’s complement in Python:

def twos_complement(decimal_number, num_bits):

 if decimal_number >= 0:

 return bin(decimal_number)[2:].zfill(num_bits) # Positive number


 positive_counterpart = abs(decimal_number)

 inverted_bits = bin(positive_counterpart ^ ((1 << num_bits) – 1))[2:]

 return inverted_bits.zfill(num_bits)

decimal_number = -13

num_bits = 5

binary_representation = twos_complement(decimal_number, num_bits)

print(“Binary representation:”, binary_representation)

In this example, we define a function twos_complement() that takes a decimal number and the number of bits as input. Depending on whether the decimal number is positive or negative, the function either converts it directly to binary or applies two’s complement to obtain the binary representation. Finally, the binary representation is padded to ensure the specified number of bits.

Applications of Decimal-to-Binary Conversion

Converting decimal numbers to binary isn’t just a theoretical concept—it’s used in real-world scenarios across different fields. Here’s how:

Computer Science:

  • Memory addressing: Binary numbers help computers find and access memory efficiently.
  • Data representation: Binary is the language computers understand, so converting decimals to binary is crucial for storing and processing data.


  • Encryption: Converting decimals to binary is part of securing and decrypting data.
  • Hashing: Binary representations play a role in verifying data integrity through hashing.

Digital Electronics:

  • Circuit design: Binary logic gates are at the heart of electronic circuits.
  • Signal processing: Digital signals rely on binary representations for electronic devices to understand and process them.


  • IP addressing: Binary numbers are used to identify devices on networks.
  • Subnetting: Dividing networks into smaller parts relies on binary calculations.

Computer Graphics:

  • Color representation: Binary numbers help computers display colors on screens.

Understanding decimal-to-binary conversion is vital in computer science, cryptography, digital electronics, and more.


In conclusion, understanding how to convert decimal numbers to binary is crucial in programming and computing. We’ve covered the basics of the decimal and binary number systems, the conversion process, and various methods for performing this conversion. Whether using Python’s built-in functions or alternative methods like manual iteration or recursion, the goal is to efficiently represent and manipulate data in binary form. This knowledge is foundational in fields like computer science, cryptography, and digital electronics, where binary is the language of computers. Mastery of decimal-to-binary conversion is essential for anyone looking to excel in these areas. If you’re looking to enhance your Python skills further, consider enrolling in Python training in Chennai to deepen your understanding and practical application of Python programming.

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