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RPA Tools Comparisons
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RPA Tools Comparisons

Published On: October 30, 2023

In this blog. let’s get a detailed view on the Comparison of RPA Tools through it’s features, advantages, and benefits.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) represents a revolutionary  technological leap in our era. Proficient individuals can utilize this skill to design software capable of autonomous operations, free from human intervention. 

What empowers RPA experts are the essential tools at their disposal, as the implementation of RPA hinges on these dedicated tools. These tools are purpose-built to simplify the tasks undertaken by RPA professionals and streamline the automation process.

RPA stands for Robotic Process Automation, where robots act like virtual workers. They follow pre-set instructions to perform tasks in user systems. RPA tools help create automated processes using rules, macros, and scripts from different software providers. These tools work a bit like Excel macros, recording mouse and keyboard actions, and using rules to guide the process.

They also offer a simple scripting language for customization. In simpler terms, RPA is like having a digital assistant that does repetitive tasks, making work more efficient and accurate without human intervention. It’s a way to streamline business processes using automation technology.

Several notable RPA software vendors include Automation Anywhere in the United States, Blue Prism from the United Kingdom, and UiPath based in Romania. Other key players in the field encompass WorkFusion, Pegasystems, NICE, Redwood Software, Kofax, and a host of others.

Comparison of RPA Tools: As per Forrester Wave analysis:

Robotic Process Automation: Blue Prism, Automation Anywhere, and UiPath are esteemed as top-tier RPA software providers. In this article, we’ll delve into an in-depth comparison of these leading RPA tools.

Blue Prism:

Blue Prism is developed on the Microsoft .NET Framework, offering a robust set of components and supporting diverse domains. However, central management can be cost-intensive. Nevertheless, the Blue Prism platform is comprehensive, ensuring effective automation. 

Notably, the Control Room is an impressive feature for overseeing automated processes, and the scheduler feature is seamlessly integrated. The automation process with Blue Prism is well-structured and relatively easy to maintain compared to other RPA tools. 

A notable concern for users is Blue Prism’s reporting capabilities, as the Blue Prism Dashboard/Analytics tiles are dependent on other tools like Tableau, Power BI, and Qlik. Building dashboards and reports requires MS SQL Server.

Ready to streamline your automation journey with our Blue Prism Training in Chennai? Start optimizing your processes today!”

Automation Anywhere:

Automation Anywhere, headquartered in the United States, holds the largest market share and operates on Windows systems. It records the desired job process for automation in a task editor, creating a script. The platform offers numerous templates for tasks like web data extraction and document transfers, along with the use of OCR and JAVA, but some features come at a cost. Automation Anywhere uses a script-based process designer, making the design process a bit more intricate compared to Blue Prism and UiPath.

Ready to explore Automation Anywhere’s capabilities? Take the first step towards enhanced automation today with our Automation Anywhere Training in Chennai.

Ui Path:

UiPath is a relatively new entrant, originally from Romania but now with operations in the United States and offices in Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Their tools are organized into three modules: Studio, which is a code-free development tool with extensive templates for automating business processes; Robot, responsible for task execution automation; and Orchestrator, utilized for logging, resource management, and machine administration.

Are you willing to embrace RPA’s future with UiPath? Begin your path to increased automation and efficiency right now with our UiPath Training in Chennai

Now, let’s conduct a comprehensive Comparison of RPA Tools:

What is an RPA tool?

Robotic process automation experts use a set of programs known as RPA tools. These tools increase accessibility by simplifying system development and related tasks. To use these tools effectively, one needs to have the necessary knowledge and skills. Their potential is unfulfilled in their lack of such knowledge.

It is necessary to familiarize ourselves with the capabilities of RPA tools in order to have a deeper understanding of them. This fundamental knowledge is vital for understanding the additional insights covered in this section. With the use of RPA tools, experts may automate rule-based, repetitive tasks in a variety of business processes, which may simplify operations and enhance efficiency. They are, in short, essential to any firm looking for ways to simplify operations, eliminate expenses, and reap the rewards of automation.

Features of RPA:

  • Task Automation: RPA is primarily used to automate repetitive and rule-based tasks, reducing the need for human intervention. It can handle activities like data entry, data extraction, and document processing.
  • Data Integration: RPA tools can seamlessly integrate with various software systems and applications, enabling the extraction, processing, and input of data from diverse sources.
  • Process Validation: RPA can verify and validate data, ensuring accuracy and consistency in tasks. It can cross-check information and notify users of any discrepancies or errors.
  • Rule-Based DecisionMaking: RPA follows pre-defined rules and instructions to make decisions and execute tasks, ensuring compliance with business rules and processes.
  • Workflow Automation: RPA tools can automate entire workflows by connecting different tasks, applications, and processes in a logical sequence, streamlining operations and improving efficiency.

Types of RPA Tools: 

RPA tools can be divided into four categories that provide an extensive variety of features and functionality. Among these categories are:

  • Hacks and Macros: These are basic automation tools that were primarily used for small, repetitive processing tasks. While they increased productivity to some extent, they were not particularly reliable or scalable.
  • Programmable Bots: Programmable bots follow specific programming patterns and are relatively easy to use. They are designed to interact with other systems and provide specific information for users, making them suitable for automating tasks based on predefined rules.
  • Self-learning Tools: Self-learning bots represent a significant advancement in automation. They can operate autonomously without human interaction, learning and adapting to tasks over time, making them more versatile and reliable.
  • Intelligence/Cognitive Automation Tools: These tools are the most advanced category, leveraging cognitive intelligence and machine learning. They continuously improve by learning from their actions and are capable of handling complex, unstructured data and solving intricate problems, even when faced with inputs that may not make immediate sense to a human observer.

These RPA tool categories cater to a wide range of automation needs, from simple and repetitive tasks to complex, data-driven processes.

Analyzing Factors for RPA Tools

RPA tools can be compared in various ways, including factors like how easy they are to use and whether they offer free trial versions. In the realm of Robotic Process Automation tools, there’s a wide array of options available. Here are a few of them:

  • Pega
  • UiPath
  • Contextor
  • Jidoka
  • Redwood Software
  • Kryon Systems
  • Automation Anywhere
  • Arago
  • Antworks
  • WorkFusion
  • Visual Cron
  • Another Monday
  • NICE Systems
  • Blue Prism

 Among the various robotics process automation (RPA) tools available, there is a top trio that has dominated the market for a while: Blue Prism, UiPath, and Automation Anywhere. All of these three have their own advantages and drawbacks. To make a fair comparison, we’ll evaluate them on a level playing field across several aspects.

When it comes to comparing these leading RPA tools, here are some key factors to consider:

  1. Free Versions: Since it offers a free version called “UiPath Community Edition,” UiPath has the advantage in this situation. There are only paid versions of the other two.
  1. Usability: Macro Recording and other operations like Drag and Crop can be performed with Automation Anywhere. Similar with UiPath, except Blue Prism is limited to Drag & Drop use.
  2. Pricing: Blue Prism will cost the user as per the bots they use, as for Automation Anywhere the cost will be according to the number of processes, whereas UiPath also charges per Bot.

In the end, your choice should be based on your specific needs and budget. All three of these tools are top contenders in the RPA market, so it’s about finding the one that aligns best with your requirements.

 Comparison of RPA Tools:

Now, let’s Compare RPA Tools, where we’ll examine their key attributes and functionalities to help you make an informed choice for your automation needs.

  • Blue Prism: High
  • UIPath: High
  • Automation Anywhere: Very high
  1. Macro Recorders:
    • UIPath: Available
    • Automation Anywhere: Available
    • Blue Prism: Not available
  1. Learning:
    • Blue Prism: Visual Designer, user-friendly
    • UIPath: Visual Designer, user-friendly
    • Automation Anywhere: Script-based, requires basic programming knowledge
  1. Pricing:
    • UIPath: High cost
    • Automation Anywhere: High cost
    • Blue Prism: Moderate pricing
  1. Scalability:
    • Blue Prism: Good scalability with excellent execution speed
    • UIPath: Good scalability with moderate execution speed
    • Automation Anywhere: Limited scalability
  1. Architecture:
    • UIPath: Web-based Orchestrator
    • Blue Prism: Client-Server with faster performance than Automation Anywhere
    • Automation Anywhere: Client-Server

Based on this thorough Comparison of RPA Tools, you can make a well-informed decision when it comes to choosing the right RPA tools. This in-depth assessment empowers individuals to evaluate their tool selection in the context of addressing the unique challenges within their organization. Choose the RPA tool that best fits your needs and embark on the following:

  1. Analyzing the existing business processes and formulating an RPA strategy to enhance workflow efficiency.
  2. Implementing automation to drive down operational costs and reduce errors.
  3. Identifying and resolving challenges that arise during the development and implementation of RPA software robots


In conclusion, the comprehensive Comparison of RPA Tools has provided valuable insights into the diverse capabilities of Automation Anywhere, Blue Prism, and UIPath. Each tool offers a unique set of features, pricing structures, and scalability options. To choose the right RPA tool for your organization, consider factors such as pricing, ease of learning, cognitive capabilities, and macro recording functionality. By analyzing these aspects in the context of your specific business needs, you can confidently select the RPA tool that aligns with your goals, ultimately leading to improved operational efficiency, reduced costs, and successful problem-solving in RPA implementation.

Enroll in our comprehensive RPA Training in Chennai to gain extensive knowledge on RPA tools.

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