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Big Data Hadoop Tutorial
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Big Data Hadoop Tutorial

Published On: July 4, 2024

Big Data Hadoop Tutorial

A software system called Hadoop is made to handle big data. This Hadoop tutorial covers both fundamental and advanced concepts for both novices and experts.

Introduction to Big Data Hadoop

Big Data: Big Data are extremely large-scale data sets. Typically, we work with data that is MB (Word Doc, Excel) or up to GB (movies, codes); big data is defined as data that is in petabytes.

Big Data Hadoop: Hadoop is an Apache open-source platform used for processing and analyzing massive volumes of data. Facebook, Yahoo, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, and numerous other companies use it. 

Modules of Hadoop

HDFS: Hadoop Distributed File System. It says that blocks of files will be divided up and kept in nodes throughout the distributed architecture.

Yarn: Yet Another Resource Negotiator. It is used for managing the cluster and scheduling jobs.

Map Reduce: It is a framework that aids Java programs in leveraging key-value pairs to compute data in parallel. The ‘Map’ process converts data input into a collection of data that can be computed in key-value pairs. 

Hadoop Common: Other Hadoop modules use these Java libraries, which are also used to launch Hadoop.

Hadoop Architecture

The MapReduce engine, the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), and the file system comprise the Hadoop architecture. 

A Hadoop cluster is made up of several slave nodes and one master node. 

Master Nodes: Job Tracker, Task Tracker, NameNode, and DataNode.

Slave Nodes: TaskTracker and DataNode.

Hadoop Distributed File System

HDFS has a master/slave architecture This design consists of several DataNodes acting as slaves and a single NameNode acting as the master. 


The HDFS cluster consists of a single master server. Being a single node, it could lead to a single point of failure.

It streamlines the system’s architecture. It does this by opening, renaming, and shutting files to manage the file system namespace. 


There are several DataNodes in the HDFS cluster. Multiple data blocks are present in every DataNode. The purpose of these data blocks is data storage.

DataNode is in charge of reading and writing requests from clients of the file system. On the NameNode’s instruction, it creates, deletes, and replicates blocks. 

Job Tracker

Accepting MapReduce jobs from clients and using NameNode to process the data is Job Tracker’s responsibility. As a result, NameNode gives Job Tracker metadata.

Task Tracker

It functions as a Job Tracker slave node. It applies the code to the file after receiving the task and code from Job Tracker. Another name for this procedure is a mapper.

Map Reduce Layer

The MapReduce is generated when the client application sends the MapReduce job to Job Tracker. In response, the job tracker forwards the request to the appropriate task trackers. 

The TaskTracker occasionally times out or fails. That portion of the work is rescheduled in such a scenario.

Hadoop Installation

To install Hadoop from a ‘tar ball’ in a UNIX environment, you require the following:

  • Java Installation
  • SSH installation
  • Hadoop Installation and File Configuration

Java Installation

Step 1: Get Java at

if it’s not already installed. On your computer, the tar file jdk-7u71-linux-x64.tar.gz will be downloaded. 

Step 2: Use the command below to extract the file. #tar zxf jdk-7u71-linux-x64.tar.gz  

Step 3: Move the file to /usr/local and configure the path to enable Java for all UNIX users. 

To relocate the JDK to /usr/lib, switch to the root user at the prompt and enter the following command. 

# mv jdk1.7.0_71 /usr/lib/  

To configure the path, add the following instructions to the ~/.bashrc file.

# export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jdk1.7.0_71  

# export PATH=PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin  

Now that you have typed “java -version” into the prompt, you may verify the installation.

SSH Installation

Passwords are not requested while interacting with the master and slave computers over SSH. Make a Hadoop user on the master and slave systems first.

# useradd hadoop  

# passwd Hadoop  

To map the nodes, open the host file located in each machine’s /etc/ folder and provide the hostname and IP address.

# vi /etc/hosts  

Fill in the lines below.    hadoop-master    hadoop-salve-one   hadoop-slave-two  

Configure each node with an SSH key so that it may communicate with the others without a password. Instructions for the same are: 

# su hadoop   

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa   

$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ tutorialspoint@hadoop-master   

$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ hadoop_tp1@hadoop-slave-1   

$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ hadoop_tp2@hadoop-slave-2   

$ chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys   

$ exit  

Hadoop Installation

Download links for Hadoop are available at

Extract the Hadoop now, and move it to a different location.

$ mkdir /usr/hadoop  

$ sudo tar vxzf  hadoop-2.2.0.tar.gz ?c /usr/hadoop  

Modify who owns the Hadoop folder.

$sudo chown -R hadoop  usr/hadoop 

Modify the configuration files for Hadoop:

There are all the files in /usr/local/Hadoop/etc/hadoop. 

Step 1: In file add

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jdk/jdk1.7.0_71  

Step 2: Add the following in core-site.xml in between the configuration tabs:











Step 3: After switching between the configuration tabs on hdfs-site.xmladd,

















Step 4: Make the necessary changes to Mapred-site.xml as indicated below.







Step 5: Lastly, make updates to $HOME/.bahsrc.

cd $HOME  

vi .bashrc  

Append following lines in the end and save and exit  

#Hadoop variables   

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jdk/jdk1.7.0_71  

export HADOOP_INSTALL=/usr/hadoop  







Use the following command to install Hadoop on the slave system.

# su hadoop   

$ cd /opt/hadoop   

$ scp -r hadoop hadoop-slave-one:/usr/hadoop   

$ scp -r hadoop hadoop-slave-two:/usr/Hadoop  

Set up the slave and master nodes.

$ vi etc/hadoop/masters  


$ vi etc/hadoop/slaves  



Following this pattern, launch every deamon and name the node.

# su hadoop   

$ cd /usr/hadoop   

$ bin/hadoop namenode -format    

$ cd $HADOOP_HOME/sbin  


HDFS Basic File Operations

Step 1: Transferring data from the local file system to HDFS

Create an HDFS folder first so that data from the local file system can be stored there.

$ hadoop fs -mkdir /user/test

Copy the file “data.txt” from a file stored in the local folder /usr/home/Desktop to the HDFS folder /user/test

$ hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /usr/home/Desktop/data.txt /user/test

Show the contents of the HDFS folder with the command

$ Hadoop fs -ls /user/test

Step 2: Transfer data from HDFS to the local file system with the command

$ hadoop fs -copyToLocal /user/test/data.txt /usr/bin/data_copy.txt

Step 3: Verify if the files are identical by comparing them.

$ md5 /usr/bin/data_copy.txt /usr/home/Desktop/data.txt

Recursive Deleting

hadoop fs -rmr <arg>

Example: hadoop fs -rmr /user/sonoo/

HDFC Other Commands

The commands make use of the following.

  • “<path>” denotes the name of any file or directory.
  • “<path>…” denotes a file or directory name or names.
  • “<file>” can refer to any filename.
  • In a directed operation, the path designations are “<dest>” and “<src>”.
  • “<localSrc>” and “<localDest>” are paths on the local file system, similar to those above.

put <localSrc><dest>: It copies the file or directory from the local file system, denoted with localSrc, to dest in the DFS.

copyFromLocal <localSrc><dest>: Similar to -put

copyFromLocal <localSrc><dest>: Similar to -put

moveFromLocal <localSrc><dest>: It copies the file or directory to dest in HDFS from the local file system that localSrc has identified, then, upon success, deletes the local copy.

get [-crc] <src><localDest>: The file or directory is moved locally from HDFS, denoted with src, to the local file system path, denoted as localDest.

cat <filen-ame>: It shows the contents of the filename on the standard output.

moveToLocal <src><localDest>: Similar to -get, except it removes the HDFS copy upon success.

setrep [-R] [-w] rep <path>: It sets the file names indicated by the path to the rep’s target replication factor. (Over time, the replication factor itself will approach the target.)

touchz <path>: It creates a file at the path with a timestamp of the present moment. fails if there is already a file in the path unless the file has a zero size.

test -[ezd] <path>: Returns 0 otherwise, 1 if the path is a directory, has zero length, or both.

stat [format] <path>: It prints the path information. File size in blocks (%b), filename (%n), block size (%o), replication (%r), and modification date (%y, %Y) are all accepted in the format, which is a string.


We cover the fundamentals of Hadoop technology in this Big Data Hadoop Tutorial. We hope this is useful for you to get started with big data analytics. Learn comprehensively with our Big Data Hadoop training in Chennai. 

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