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Web Designing Interview Questions and Answers
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Web Designing Interview Questions and Answers

Published On: April 1, 2022

Web Designing Interview Questions and Answers

Web Designing becomes an inevitable skill for small to big companies for increasing their customers through appealing and impressive websites.

The learning of Web Designing and Development brings a futuristic career for the global learners and they are expected to have proficiency in web designing along with certification.

Interviews play an important role in grabbing the opportunities and preparing well for the interviews with important questions and answers to maximize the chances of your success.

If you are interested to begin your career in web designing, Join Softlogic to learn the Best Web Designing Courses in Chennai.

Here are the frequently asked Web Designing Interview Questions and Answers that give you the confidence to ace the interview efficiently.

1. What is Web Designing?

Web designing is the designing of visual appearances and web page layouts using creativity skills and designing principles.

The professionals who are responsible for creating websites with look and usability are known as Web Designers. Web designers should create websites with pleasing, well-formed, and user-friendly features.

2. List out the required skills to become a web designer?

A web designer must have technical skills in HTML, CSS, CMS (Content Management System), Responsive Design, Graphical Design, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), and Color Theory to develop impressive and interactive websites.

They should also have soft skills such as communication, critical thinking, patience, time management, problem-solving, teamwork, and attention to detail to work effectively in the projects of top companies.

3. What are the languages popularly used for Web Designing?

Web Designers are using the following popular languages for developing web pages.

  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) is used to add style to the web pages for the impressive look and layout that attract visitors.
  • HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is used to provide the code to structure a web page, the content, and templates.
  • JavaScript is the programming language used for developing interactive web pages.
  • PHP is used to develop server-side scripting and dynamic web pages.

4. Explain HTML 5

HTML 5 is the recent version of HTML and it allows developers to design a website from scratch.

The development of websites using HTML5 does not require any other software or browser plugin.

HTML5 is used to develop complex applications with animations that can be run in the browser with audio players, online streaming, and video players.

5. List the features of HTML5

HTML5 has the following salient features that help developers to build impressive websites.

  • New semantic elements such as <header>, <footer>, and <section>
  • Forms 2.0
  • Persistent Local Storage
  • WebSocket for a bidirectional communication technology
  • Server-side events that flow from the webserver to the web browsers
  • Drag and drop features
  • Embed audio and video without using third-party plugins
  • Geolocation

6. Define external style sheet

An external style sheet is a document that has pre-defined style information used for web pages development in HTML files.

It will be a separate file that has a .css extension that is linked to an HTML web page. The developer can declare and utilize all the styles to develop a website in an external style sheet document.

7. What are the benefits of an external style sheet?

The important advantages of external style sheets are

  • The CSS styling will be separated from the HTML files
  • Developer can use the same CSS file to add styles to multiple HTML web pages.
  • Any changes made in the CSS source file will be automatically applied to the HTML pages that are linked with the particular CSS document.
  • External Style Sheets are providing uniformity to every page that they are implemented in it.

8. Differentiate HTML tags and HTML elements

HTML tags are used to represent the start and end of an HTML element in the HTML file. They will have an opening bracket (<) followed by the name of the element, and a closing bracket (>). The HTML tags will be included after the element if there is an attribute in the tag.

Example of HTML tag

<p> is paragraph tag that used to organize text content into paragraph elements.

HTML Elements include from the start tag to the end tag and the start tag, an end tag, and its attributes.

Syntax of HTML Element

<tag name> Content </tag name>

Example of HTML element

<h1> Sample heading </h1>

9. Define Semantic HTML

Semantic HTML defines the HTML tags to communicate the meaning to both the browser and the developer.

It offers to mean to an HTML page that is alternate to the presentation. Semantic HTML represents a coding style for the tags refers to the semantics of text for communication.

It clearly refers to the content and is understandable by humans like machines. The <header> and <footer> are semantic that refer to the purpose of the element and the type of content inside them. It includes <article>, <details>, <figcaption>, <figure>, <section>, <mark>, <time>, and <summary>.

10. Differentiate Standard Mode and Quirks Mode

There are three different modes for layout engines in web browsers. In Quirks mode, the layout mimics nonstandard attributes in Navigator 4 and IE 5.

It was required for websites developed before the web standards were deployed.

In Full Standard mode, the specified behavior is specified by HTML and CSS specifications. It is used by many modern browsers.

The standard model has a very small number of quirks implementations.

11. How to add comments into HTML code without being taken by the browser?

The developer can add comments into HTML code without being taken up by the browser using < — and — >. The HTML comment will start with <!- and end with ->. HTML comments will be visible to all who view the source code of the web page. But, they will not be appeared by the browser.


<!- Sample Comment ->

12. Differentiate visibility: hidden and display: none

The visibility: hidden property hides the element and it takes up space in the layout. The element will be hidden from view but not the page flow.

While display: none omits the element from the document and they will not take up any space. The tags will be removed from the normal flow of the page that allows other elements to fill it in.

13. What are the various jQuery functions used in the designing of the web page?

Some of the popular jQuery functions used in web page designing are animated hover effect, chainable transition effect, collapsible panels, image replacement gallery, simple slide panel, and simple disappearing effect.

14. Write a background color in HTML

The following is the code for developing a background color in HTML

<body style=“background-color:red”>

15. What are the designing components of an optimized website?

The designing components required for an optimized website are URL structure, Page titles, Keywords, Meta Descriptions, H1 Tags, and Alt text.

16. Explain some examples for making a good color scheme

The main complementary colors are blue, orange, red, green, yellow, and purple. Every color provides high contrast when paired with other colors.

There is the simplest way to develop a professional-looking color scheme is to take a few tones, shades, and tints for a given color.

17. What is a CSS file?

CSS is common in web design for adding styles and it helps in controlling and overseeing the text dimensions and textual styles such as fonts and colors.

It is simple to maintain and update that offers more formatting options.

18. What is a responsive web page design?

Responsive web page design is an approach that aims to make web pages render well on various types of devices and window or screen sizes from minimum to maximum display for ensuring usability and satisfaction.

19. Define DOCTYPE

The DOCTYPE refers to the browser to define what type of HTML must be used on a web page. The browser uses DOCTYPE to define how a page must be rendered. DOCTYPE may load the page even in the incorrect mode.

20. What are the limitations of XHTML pages?

XHTML has poor browser support and the browsers like internet explorer can’t parse XHTML into XML.

21. List some of the fundamental HTML tags required for the basic web page development





22. Describe the terms linking to an image, email address, and website

To link an image, the developer will use the <img> tags and the images should be enclosed in quotes with source attribute src in the opening tag.

To link with a hyperlink, an anchor tag will be used and the destination link will be specified in the attribute.

The text that hyperlinks placed must have lied between anchor tags. HREF stands for hypertext references.

23. Differentiate a numbered list and a bulleted list.

Lists that are bulleted use the <ul> tag which means unordered while <ol> tags are used for defining ordered lists.

24. Differentiate <div> and <frame> tags

<div> is a container used for styling elements in a generic manner while a <frame> is used for developing divisions within a web page. <frame> will be used with <frameset> tag and <iframe> is the tag that replaces <frame> tag when the file is embedded with videos and images into a web page.

25. List some bad examples of web designing

Some of the bad examples of web designing are

  • Blinking, flashing, or spinning images
  • Black background with white, pale, or light text.
  • Black backgrounds with dark text
  • Busy tiled background images with various color texts
  • Everything centered
  • Too many images or large size images
  • Too many lists of links
  • Too many headlines or blinking text

26. Define Information Architecture

On the web page, information architecture is referred to the structure and navigation of an entire website.

27. How will you align pictures that can be higher or lower than the other?

To align a picture that can be higher or lower than the other, we should use the align statement in the IMG SRC tag.

<IMG SRC = http://www.abc.com/sample.gif align=top>

28. How to use CSS float in CSS file?

CSS float is used to make an element of your page for pushing to the right or left and make other elements wrap around it.

29. How to integrate CSS files on the web page?

To integrate a CSS file in the web page with any number of HTML files and that to be integrated after the <head> tag using the “Link” property.

<head><Link REL = STYLESHEET HREF = “filename.css” Type = “text/css”></head>

30. List out the newly introduced input types in HTML5.

HTML5 has been updated with multiple features in the past some years. Now it has added various input types such as color, date, Datetime-local, email, month, and number range.

31. What are the five media contents that are supported by HTML5?

HTML5 has supported five main elements for media such as audio, video, source, embed, and track. They will be defined in tags like <audio>, <video>, <source>, <embed>, and <track>.

32. Define SVG along with its uses.

SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics and it is used to display vector-based graphics across the web. The graphic content can render based on an HTML format. SVG is used to provide graphical content with superior quality for the ability to furnish high-quality images.

33. Describe the use of Canvas in HTML

Canvas has been added into HTML5 for providing users the ability to draw graphics using JavaScript. There are various methods used in canvas to enable the drawing of paths, boxes, images, circles, etc.

34. How will you reduce page loading time?

The page loading time of a website is affected by numerous factors and there are some useful methods to reduce them drastically. They are as follows

  • Reduction of image sizes
  • Removal of unnecessary widgets
  • HTTP compression
  • Reduction of lookups
  • Minimal redirection and caching

35. What is CORS and why it is used in web pages?

CORS defines Cross_Origin Resource Sharing that is a popular mechanism used to allow a variety of resources to be called at a time from a domain that is outside of the current request domain.

36. Explain the use of Selector in CSS

A Selector is CSS used with a rule in the inline elements for styling purposes. Selectors are the easy ways to find and select HTML elements according to factors like Name, ID, and Attributes.


#sample {padding: 20px;}

<p id=“SelectorExample”>



37. Explain the use of grouping in CSS?

Grouping in CSS is used to reuse and implement the same CSS style element for multiple HTML entities using a single declaration statement.


#grouped g, ul {padding-top: 20px; margin: 1; }

38. Define Webkit in CSS

Webkit is a software component of CSS that enables the easy rendering of HTML and CSS elements in various browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. Gecko for Mozilla, Presto for Opera, and Edge for Internet Explorer are some other engines.

39. How will you implement rounded borders in CSS3?

CSS has the <border-radius> attribute for allowing elements to be created with nice-looking rounded corners. It can be applied to all four sides according to the needs.

The <border-radius> property has the following attributes for rounded corner

  • <border-top-left-radius>
  • <border-top-right-radius>
  • <border-bottom-left-radius>
  • <border-bottom-right-radius>

40. Define Pagination and explain the implementation method

Pagination is a simple sequence of pages used in the website and they are interconnected to display similar content for the users. The page selector allows the users to browse through the products displayed on various pages instead of scrolling up and down on a single page.

The following codes will be used in CSS for implementing pagination

<div class=“main_container”>

<div class=”sample_pagination”>


<li><a href = “#”></a></li>

<li><a href = “#”></a></li>

<li class=”active”> <a href = “#”> </a></li>

<li><a href =”#”></a></li>




41. List the components of the CSS box model

The CSS box model is used to define an entity that covers all of the HTML content into a box or a button element.

The four components are Border which denotes the padding and content around the border, Content which denotes the actual content to be displayed, Margin which defines the top layer of the box element, and padding which defines the empty space around the element.

42. List some properties of transitions in CSS

Transitions are easy to use in CSS and they offer users rapid and efficient animation effects. The four main properties displayed in the transitions are transition-delay, transition-duration, transition-property, and transition-timing-function.

43. Explain the usage of pseudo-classes in CSS

Pseudo-classes are implemented as a popular technique in CSS for changing the style of an element during the element changes its state. Some of the examples for using pseudo-classes are as follows

  • For the style change during the hover of the mouse over the element
  • For out-of-focused animations
  • For offering styles for external links

44. Explain the usage of media queries in CSS

Media queries in CSS are used to define styles that are responsive based on various shapes and sizes of the viewing window. They are used to adjust the entities such as height, weight, viewport, resolution, and orientation.

45. Define z-index in CSS

Z-index is the property in CSS used for declaring the order of elements on a web page.

It performs based on order indices where a higher-order element will be displayed before a lower-order element. It will be applied to elements that are positioned when the position attribute is placed.




position: fixed;

left: 15px;

top: 20px;

z-index: -1;


46. When are external style sheets preferred in CSS?

External style sheets are preferred an ample amount for the developers with the following benefits

  • When classes are reduced at any number of times
  • When CSS allows the style control of multiple documents through a single line
  • When selectors and grouping will be used to apply styles easily.

47. Explain long polling in web development

Long polling is a popular pattern for development and it is used to emulate a data push operation from a server to a client machine.

If long polling is operational, the client sends a request to the server and the data is pushed. The connection will timeout when the data is sent to the client or after the timeout session is met.

48. Define cookies

Cookies are the data that can be accessed by both the client and the server. They have an expiry time and data gets deleted post expiration.

49. What is local storage?

If data is stored in the local browser that is the client-side machine is known as local storage. There is no expiry in local storage unless the data is removed manually.

50. Define Pair Programming

Pair programming is a situation that which the developer works closely with a team for a project and this will be done to help solve unexpected problems.

If the development criteria are fast-paced, Agile development will not be working effectively.


Web Designing Professionals are getting hired a lot in top companies.

There are tremendous job opportunities for web designers and we hope these interview questions and answers will help you ace the technical rounds of interviews.

Develop your hands-on exposure in web development by enrolling in our Web Designing Training Institute in Chennai.

We offer the best coaching with placement assistance and industry-worth certification at Softlogic Systems.

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