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Web Development with Python
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Web Development with Python

Published On: November 21, 2022

Web Development with Python

Python is one of the most popular and flexible programming languages, and it can be used to make a wide range of applications.

Python enables developers to write backend or server-side code for web applications. There are also numerous frameworks and packages included.

In light of this, we’ll try to make Python-based web development as simple as possible in this piece.

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Why Python?

Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the development field. It is a result of its simple syntax and usability.

Python is a popular and straightforward language that is used to develop a wide range of applications, including desktop apps, machine learning models, and more, in many sectors. Web development is one among them.

Python is one of the most widely used languages for building web applications. It can be used for a number of tasks, including web development.

Python is a programming language that may be used to develop web applications in a variety of settings, such as server-side web apps and RESTful web APIs.

Because there are so many various ways you may use Python to construct web apps, getting started with it can be difficult and intimidating.

As a result, before discussing how to use Python for web development in this blog article, we’ll first discuss web development.

What is Web Development?

Although the field of web development is somewhat diverse, in general it refers to the process of developing software that can be accessed online via a web browser.

A web application has two components: the front end and the back end.

Front-End Development

A web application’s front end is the area that manages what users may view, interact with, and how those interactions should appear.

It is what visitors see when they open a web browser and navigate to a URL to access an online application.

The front-end developer of a web application is in charge of managing interactions with web servers, receiving data, displaying it in the application, and sending it back to the server for saving or alteration, as in a tweet or blog.

Back-End Development

The backend of a web application is responsible for managing its server-side components. Python web development truly shines in this area.

The backend is in responsible of organizing data so that other programs can analyze and understand it by storing, retrieving, and arranging it in a predetermined way.

Data is communicated between web servers via HTTP, so the backend of a web application needs to be able to interpret HTTP requests, understand their contents, and act on the data in line with them.

Among other operations, data may be stored, verified, updated, destroyed, and retrieved.

These two components can be used in a variety of ways to create apps. One of these ways will be to carry out everything on the server.

This entails creating templates and populating those templates with data using a database, as well as building the entire web page on the server and saving the frontend, or HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, on the server.

The code is then sent over the network to the browser. This is acceptable for small web applications, but it can cause larger applications to function less well.

Another approach is to use web servers to return data in a certain format, which is then parsed and displayed on the frontend using templates and data from the server.

This is done by the front-end developer with JavaScript. It fastens up the entire process and frees up the server-side processes.

Why is Python a good option for web development?

Python will be used a lot in this blog because, in addition to being very flexible and user-friendly, it also has a number of special benefits that make it ideal for developing web applications.

Let’s now discuss creating web applications with Python.

Easy Learning Curve

Python’s widespread use can be partly ascribed to how easy it is to learn. Programming language Python was developed with an emphasis on simplicity and clarity.

Its syntax is mostly responsible for its readability. Tradition is given way to clarity.

Because of the several syntactic options, Python is able to accomplish something similar with less code than other programming languages like Java, C#, or C++.

This is in contrast to other programming languages where you have to write a lot more code.

Python emphasizes natural English-like words like “and,” “not,” and “none” over less readable and more difficult-to-learn symbols and words like “&&,” “!” and “null” from other languages.

Rich Ecosystem

Developers regularly encounter certain problems when designing applications.

They must develop code to carry out numerous tasks, like data validation, reading data from a CSV file, issuing a network request, etc.

These are ordinary, routine jobs. Libraries, which are collections of code that enable programmers to complete such tasks rapidly, are often created.

These libraries are often made available online for use by other programmers working on relevant subjects.

To address a wide range of problems, developers can use both their own libraries and the many pre-made libraries offered by Python.

All of these traits give developers the opportunity to focus on developing applications and fixing problems that are unique to them rather than on issues that have already been solved.

Development Speed

Python’s ease of learning and comprehension considerably speeds up development.

Because Python has so many libraries, programmers may focus more on making applications. Python’s syntax and tooling also hasten development.

Python’s advantage in terms of development speed has been one of the primary factors in its success.

Some programs, such device drivers and graphics software, are not suitable for Python because it is a high-level interpreted language and is slower than low-level languages like C, C++, etc.

However, development speed is significantly more important for the majority of software programs than a little variation in execution performance.

Large Community

Because of its widespread acceptance, Python has a sizable developer community. In the community, there are a lot of Python specialists and developers who have used the language for a long time.

Python is a good language to learn web programming since it has such a large developer community, and any questions new developers have may be answered by these specialists with different levels of linguistic proficiency.

Additionally, there are a lot of developers willing to help, so any issues that arise when developing applications have either already been resolved or will be quickly so.

Python Web Frameworks

A framework is a collection of pre-written packages and modules that work together to tackle a number of connected problems.

These frequent problems generally require developers to incorporate a number of time-consuming tasks into their projects, such as logging, validation, persistence, etc.

In this situation, a framework offers a set of code packages that let developers deal with these problems consistently across all projects.

Python is primarily used in web application development to build the backend.

Python frameworks can analyze HTTP requests, provide HTTP answers, obtain access to databases, perform authentication and authorization, among other backend application development-related tasks.

Because they are so common, these tasks are used in many backends.

A range of Python Web Development Frameworks, from small, specialized, and micro frameworks to huge, all-inclusive frameworks, are available for backend development.

Let’s now look at a few of the most popular Python web frameworks.


Flask is one of the most popular HTTP Python Web Development Frameworks. Due to its small size, it lacks some built-in features that other web frameworks may offer, such as account authorization, authentication, and templating.

However, just because Flask gives you the option to use any library or even custom code to solve those problems does not mean that using it is a terrible idea.

For instance, you might handle data validation using your own code while choosing a certain ORM package to handle database management.

In other words, you are no longer required to constantly select a ready-made solution; rather, you have the choice to create your own.

Flask allows you to build backend apps, typically utilizing the components you want to use.

It only gives you the parts you need to build an app, giving you more freedom and control and enabling you to change the code base, such as switching to a different library or creating a custom package.

One of the most well-known and potent web frameworks is called Flask, and major companies like Netflix, LinkedIn, Uber, etc. use it.


A Python HTTP framework called Django is used to build the backends of online applications.

It is a framework with all the necessary components, including an ORM, a templating engine serializer, etc., for performing various tasks. Django is incredibly simple to learn and use, which contributes to its success, in part because of its pluggable architecture.

Using Django, you may build small, stand-alone applications that you can plug into or incorporate into larger projects.

Apps and projects are the two different sorts of entities in Django. A project is a collection of numerous apps, whereas an app is a single, compact piece of code.

Django already has a number of potential libraries installed. One of these particularly popular packages is the object-relational mapper (ORM), which manages database queries and converts the results into Python objects that can be used within a Python codebase.

An ORM is easier to use with extra Django components like the template engine, validation, admin panel, etc. By allowing developers to focus more on resolving business concerns and less on needless low-level minutiae, Django boosts developer productivity. This is the main cause of Django’s popularity.

Flask or Django : What is best for you?

Despite the fact that Django and Flask are both popular and useful, it can be a little tricky to know when to use them.

In general, you can use either of these to develop the backend of your web application. However, some frameworks work best in particular use cases.

If you are a seasoned developer who has made a lot of web applications and would like to make one with a framework that is very simple, use Flask.

It can also be utilized if you only need a framework to manage standard webserver activities like HTTP communication, request parsing, etc. and only have a little knowledge of libraries.

How can I create a Flask-based Python web application?

Let’s try to create a Flask application that would respond to a straightforward URL with a straightforward “Hello World” message now that you have a basic idea of how Python may be used for web development.

Before you can start creating the application, you must install Flask using the Python package manager, python-pip.

To begin, use the following command to confirm that Python is installed before continuing.

python –version

Then, to install Flask, open the command prompt and enter the following command:

pip install flask

Write the following code in a file and save it as app.py after downloading Flask.

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)


def hello():

return “Hello World!”

if __name__ == “__main__”:


Now, let’s try to break the code line by line:

Line 1: Import the Flask class from the Flask package to begin developing the app.

Line 2: Create an object of the Flask class, then assign it to the app variable. Using the __name__ attribute, you can also give your app a name.

Line 4: You create a route to “/” so that when someone requests localhost:5000/, the code in Line 5 is executed.

Line 5: In line 5, you define a function called hello.

Line 6: You respond with the string response “Hello World!”

Line 8: You confirm that the appropriate script is being run.

Line 9: Using the Flask app object you generated in Line 2, you run the program. Now you may provide visitors who visit the homepage of your application with the appropriate response.

Open the command prompt or terminal in the same folder as app.py and type the following command to launch the application:

For Windows OS:

set FLASK_APP = app.py && flask run

For macOS or Linux users:

export FLASK_ENV = development

flask run


We hope that this article has ignited your interest in Python and web programming. We wish you success as you continue learning Python and encourage you to do so.

At Softlogic Systems, we provide the Best Python Training in Chennai with IBM Certification and Placement Support.

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