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Top 20 Matlab Interview Questions and Answers
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Top 20 Matlab Interview Questions and Answers

Published On: June 10, 2024

Matlab Interview Questions and Answers

Popular programming languages like MATLAB are employed in many fields, such as engineering, finance, and science. The most frequent MATLAB interview questions and answers that have been asked during interviews will be included in this article.

Matlab Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

1. What is Matlab?

The acronym for “MATrix Laboratory” is MATLAB. In the 1980s, MathWorks developed it and released it as a tool for numerical analysis and data presentation. Since then, many experts in various areas have come to rely on it as a vital tool.

2. What are the features of MATLAB?

  • High-level programming languages such as MATLAB are easy to learn and use.
  • It provides a dynamic environment for quick development and feedback.
  • A substantial library of built-in functions for data analysis, image processing, and signal processing is included.
  • Strong visualization tools improve the ability to plot, chart, and create graphs.
  • It is compatible with Windows, Linux, and macOS and runs on multiple platforms.
  • Dynamic system modeling and simulation are done utilizing MATLAB’s Simulink graphical programming environment.
  • It can be coupled with other languages, including Python, Java, C, and C++.
  • To expedite computations on large datasets or simulations, parallel computing tools are available. 

3. In MATLAB, how do you plot a graph?

To plot a graph in MATLAB, use the plot (x, y) function for any two points, x and y, with some values supplied. 

x : [value of array];

 y : [value of array];

plot(x, y)

4. How is MATLAB code executed?

To prevent your progress from disappearing, make sure you save the relevant code before running any code. 

Once a code has been saved, it may be executed in MATLAB by pressing the F5 key on your keyboard or by utilizing the Save and Run button on the MATLAB home tab.

5. How can differential equations be solved in MATLAB?

With the right instructions and terminology, every differential equation can be solved. However, to achieve more accuracy, we employ certain solvers for ordinary differential equations, generally called ODE solvers. 

The ODE23, ODE45, ODE15s, and ODE23s are a few of the frequently used ODE solvers.


[t, y] = ode23(@function_name, tspan, n0)

6. In MATLAB, how can you open SIMULINK?

The Home tab in MATLAB makes it simple to access SIMULINK. All you have to do is click Simulink under the Home tab.

7. In MATLAB, how do you comment?

In MATLAB, comments can be placed in between the codes. The comment syntax looks like this:

“% This is where your comment goes. 

8. How can you stop a MATLAB program?

To end a MATLAB program, you can use the quit command or a desktop shortcut like Ctrl + C.

9. How can you import data into MATLAB from Excel?

To accomplish this, select the Excel file you wish to import by selecting the Import Data icon beneath the Home tab. It’s just one easy step.

10. How can you use MATLAB to read audio files?

The following is the MATLAB syntax to read audio files:

[y, Fs] = audioread(filename)

In this case, sampled data (y) and the sample rate (Fs) for the data are returned after reading data from the file named filename. 

Matlab Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced Professionals

11. In MATLAB, how can you resize an image?

The following syntax can be used in MATLAB to resize an image:

J = imresize( I, scale)

The image J, which is scaled times the size of I, is returned by the syntax above. Grayscale, RGB, binary, or category images can all be used as the input picture.

12. What is the working environment in MATLAB?

  • The MATLAB working environment provides many tools for using MATLAB. It has tools for handling variables. 
  • MATLAB facilitates the import and export of data between applications. 
  • To create and maintain MATLAB files, there are a few programs available. 
  • With MATLAB, debugging and profiling of MATLAB programs are more versatile. 

We can write the codes in the space that appears between the functions and the command history box.

13. Describe how to handle MATLAB’s graphics.

  • MATLAB has a subsystem called Handle Graphics that manages graphics. 
  • High-level instructions are available for both 2D and 3D data visualization. 
  • Handle Graphics can be used for image processing, animation, and the creation of presentation graphics. 
  • The appearance of the visuals can be customized using low-level commands. 
  • Custom Graphics User Interfaces can be built with Handle Graphics.

14. What do the MATLAB 3D-Visualization elements represent?

3D visualization components handle the 3D visuals, leaving MATLAB in charge. Some of MATLAB’s 3D visualization components are as follows:

  • Plot matrices and color maps are included for surface and mesh plots.
  • Lightning is a tool for adjusting and adding lighting to scenes.
  • Transparency is used to describe the transparency of an object.
  • The volume data grid makes use of volume visualization. 

15. What MATLAB memory management features are there?

In MATLAB, memory management functions mostly fall into five categories:

clear: This clears the memory of variables.

pack: This loads the current variables continuously after saving them to disk.

save: This method writes variables to disk selectively.

load: utilizes the same mechanism to reload a data file.

quit: This closes MATLAB and gives the system back all of its memory.

16. What are MEX files in Matlab?

  • A MATLAB function that calls a C/C++ application or a Fortran subroutine is called a MEX file. A MEX function operates in the same way as a script or function in MATLAB.
  • There is just one function or subroutine in the MEX file. The MEX function defines the input and output arguments, which determine the calling syntax. You need to have the MEX file in your MATLAB directory.

17. Define Xmath

For X-window workstations, Xmath is an interactive scripting and graphics environment. Languages with OOP features can be scripted using it. It is a GUI-based debugging tool.

18. What is P-code?

Using P-code allows you to safely key your source code so that nobody else can access the code for any of your projects. A MATLAB file’s initial extension is.m, whereas a p-code applied file’s extension is. ‘p.’ The MATLAB source and a P-code file have the same behavior. A file that is P-coded by MATLAB is not encrypted; instead, it is obfuscated.

19. What does MATLAB’s stress analysis mean?

The answer is that stress analysis, also known as finite element analysis, is a computational technique that forecasts an object’s response to external forces, heat, vibrations, etc. We are well aware that MATLAB is multidimensional software used in many technical disciplines; mechanical engineering, for instance, uses stress analysis in the design of automobiles.

20. Can MATLAB be used without graphics?

Yes. Since MATLAB is a GUI, we can also run it without any graphics. Additionally, we can occasionally run the script codes without the graphs appearing.


These Matlab interview questions and answers will be updated often. Stay relevant to the technologies by enrolling in our Matlab training in Chennai.

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